
SVG graphics library for PHP – does one exist?

I can’t find an SVG library for PHP. Really. Am I just being thick and lacking Google-fu, or is there seriously not one in existence?


Regular expressions for IP addresses, CIDR ranges and hostnames

I have recently had cause to find regular expressions that allow me to determine if some user input is an IP address, IP address range (in CIDR notation) or a hostname. The IP address and IP address range validators were needed for both IPv4 and IPv6. I found various bits and bobs around the web, and if I’m honest, I can’t remember where I got them from (please let me know if I owe you some attribution!).

But I don’t want to go looking for them again, and I think they will be useful to the wider community, so here they are. Remember that these all have to be entered on one line. You can test them out in your browser using the excellent Regex Pal site.

IPv4 address


IPv4 CIDR range

[Updated: 13/Jan/2015 – thanks to Mike in the comments for pointing out the bug in the old version!]

[Updated: 6/Apr/2015 – fixed to resolve the problem pointed out by Pirabarlen in the comments]

[Updated: 9/Aug/2016 – fixed the precedence for the part after the forward slash. Thanks to Gavin in the comments]


IPv6 address


IPv6 CIDR range

[Updated: 6/Apr/2015 – fixed to resolve the problem pointed out by Pirabarlen in the comments]

[Updated 9/Aug/2016 – changed precedence of matches after slash to go longest to shortest. Thanks to Oleksiy and Rui Lapa in the comments for pointing this out.]



(Updated 9/Aug/2016: Escaped “.” to avoid accepting any random string as a hostname! Thanks to Thomas in the comments for pointing out this error.)
